
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go. — T. S. Eliot

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hong Kong in the sixties/六十年代香港·三

The food were simple in those days. Lots of small eatout shop for wonton noodles,  beef stew noodles, Russian borsch and mix grills. There were good places for afternoon tea such as the Peak restaurant, Shatin cafe and Repulse Bay Hotel. Those who love to dance could go to Bayside nightclub, Hilton Hotel's Birds Nest and Peninsula Hotel's Godown disco.
Those were the golden days, young people worried the most was the term exams, the most troublesome was their relationship problems. It was not that all good,  the riots in 1967 scared a hell a lot of people. The young people suddenly all grew up, no longer lived in a dream, but had to think for the future. Soon after, someone left for England to study, someone left to Australia to work,  someone immigrated to US, and someone choose to stay in Hong Kong. They all went their separate way. The sixties had ended, while Hong Kong had embarked on another stage…

吃得也簡單, 小店裡的雲吞麵牛腩粉, 茶餐廳的羅宋湯什扒, 下午茶的好去處是山頂餐廳, 沙田茶座和淺水灣酒店, 愛跳舞的有碧瑤夜總會,希爾頓酒店雀巢和半島酒店地牢。
那段令人懷念的流金歲月, 年青人最擔心的是會考, 最煩惱的是感情問題, 也不是全是美好日子的, 六七年暴動嚇怕很多人, 年輕人一下子成長, 不能長此活在夢裡, 也要為將來前途打算, 不久之後, 有人去英國留學, 有人去澳洲就業, 有人移民美國, 有人留守香港, 從以風流雲散, 結束了六十年代, 而香港也踏‪上‬另一個階段…


Monday, August 11, 2014

Hong Kong in the sixties/六十年代香港·二

Hong Kong City Hall Library · 香港大會堂圖書館

Days were simple, after school activities were reading at Hong Kong City Hall Library, watching matinee movies, television still under developed. If you like music, there was Huang Chi Heng's popular western songs or Hui Yi Lin Sunday's Special. If you like shopping, you could go to Ocean Terminal. If you like camping, you could go to Lantau Island. The young people were shy and innocent in those days, every day they waited outside the school gate for the girls, or sometimes wrote letters, poem or sent a gift of book to express their wishes. The most fashionable clothing were jeans, or university uniform brought back from the US. Girls wore miniskirts to attract attention. The wealthy ladies preferred tailor made Chi Fu.

日子簡單明淨, 課餘活動是去香港大會堂圖書館看書, 看廉價早場或公餘場電影, 電視在萌芽階段, 愛聽音樂的有黃志恆的歐西流行曲點唱, 有許綺年的星期美點, 逛公司的去海運大廈, 愛露營的去大嶼山, 年輕人靦腆純情, 天天在校門外等女孩子放學, 也有寫信寫詩送書來表達意思, 穿牛仔褲最為時髦, 從美國帶回來的大學校衣最受歡迎, 女孩子的迷你裙引來途人側目, 小姐太太們愛穿裁縫手工的旗袍。

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hong Kong in the sixties/六十年代香港·一

Hong Kong Tram ·  香港電車

Life was simple in Hong Kong in the sixties. Nobody spend thousands of dollars to eat abalone and shark fin, nobody bought 18K gold diamond Rolex watch, nobody wore European designers label fashion. The road traffic was slowly flow, and no Mercedes-Benz filled up the roads. The real estate market prices were reasonable. High school graduates could work in the banking business district, the University of Hong Kong or overseas university graduates could be management. The youth from lower income families could work as a factory apprentice but they still went to night school after work.

六十年代的香港, 生活簡單, 民風淳樸, 沒有人花幾萬元吃鮑參魚翅, 沒有人戴十八K金鑽石勞力士手錶, 沒有人穿歐洲名牌設計師衣服, 路‪上‬交通暢順, 沒有大量平治車充塞街道, 地產房屋價格合理, 中學畢業生可以在銀行商業區工作, 香港大學或外國大學畢業生回來即可當管理階層, 家境不好的青少年早出來做事, 大多數當工廠學徒, 但放工後晚上仍然上夜校。