
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go. — T. S. Eliot

Friday, February 10, 2017

Belonging or Love

I lived in Hong Kong for my first 20 years, a short time compared to the 45 years I've lived in Canada. And yet when I return there sometimes, the familiarity wells up from deep inside me. So much so, that it feels like some sort of a priority understanding of the place. 
Yet, it would be a mistake to understand this feeling as belonging or love. I don't want to live in Hong Kong again. And if Hong Kong teaches me anything it's that knowing a place and feeling it deeply is not the same as living happily in it.

我在香港居住的頭20年, 與我在加拿大居住的43年相比, 時間很短, 但是當我有時回到香港時, 我內心深處的熟悉感就增強了, 如此之多, 以至於對這個地方有了某種優先的了解。

然而, 將這種感覺理解作為歸屬感或愛是錯誤的, 我不想再住在香港, 如果香港教給我任何東西, 那就是知道一個地方並深刻地感受到它與在那裡快樂地生活是不一樣的。