
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go. — T. S. Eliot

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Granville Street

Sitting in a cafe in Granville Street minding my own business while the music is blasting mix in the background. By chance, the program switched to a "Mozart Clarinet Quintet", for a moment turning the cafe into an antechamber of Paradise. People fell silent, there were looks of bafflement, all stop their networking, reading, writing and whatever they were doing….. 

Mozart Clarinet Quintet in A Major KV581 - 1/4


Tuesday, September 24, 2019


住在那地方日復一日, 年復一年



當你離去, 一年, 兩年, 若干年

再回去, 所有人事都改變, 連繫已斷



我不知道回去在找尋些什麼? 被斬伐了的棕櫚樹, 被夷平了的建築物? 一個不知下落的人? 還是一個失落了的夢?

生命中能有多少個二十五年? 曾經年輕過的憑據僅只是一張照片, 一張發黃了的陳年舊照片, 不知何年何月在動植物公園拍攝下來, 只記得那天春寒咋暖, 春霧瀰漫, 滿園儘是盛放的杜鵑花, 照片中的人坐在公園的長椅上, 回過頭來, 一臉稚氣顯然未經世故的沾染, 憧憬的眼神, 不曾想到未來可能會充滿艱辛。

好像才是昨天的事, 從大會堂圖書館出來, 空氣中濕渌絲絲縷縷像雨又像霧, 才一抬頭, 乍見一山青綠, 不由自主向上走, 經過希爾頓酒店, 經過纜車站, 經過一棵又一棵粗壯的大榕樹, 經過一座又一座殖民地建築物, 經過幾幢爬滿攀藤的石牆, 踏上幾級滿佈青苔的石階, 眼前景物一開, 一大塊淌闊的草地, 兩旁儘是濃密的杜鵑花, 青綠中夾著桃紅就像啼血般觸目, 轉過花叢, 又一大片空曠的草地, 屹立幾棵高挺的棕櫚樹, 有兩棵連根而生, 向上成了一個 V 字, 被人稱為連理樹, 戀愛中的男女愛在樹下, 頭并頭手牽手的拍照片, 甚至在樹上刻上兩心相連和名字, 現在想來, 有多少對有情人後來終成眷屬? 又有多少對終須分手?

兩個人相識相愛是缘份, 茫茫人海千萬人裡為什麼不是某某而是他, 年紀輕時都不懂得珍惜, 都意氣用事, 缘份盡了要分手, 機缘去了不複來, 各散東西沒有再見面。

二十五年後再回去, 沿著舊路走, 希爾頓酒店已夷成平地, 纜車站換了新面目, 粗壯的大榕樹、殖民地建築物、攀藤的石牆仍然在, 杜鵑花開花落, 棕櫚樹被斬砍下來, 拍照片的人不知去向, 照片中人的人安然無恙, 只是替代了一臉稚氣的是, 年年月添上的風霜, 而眼神再沒有憧憬, 還有心底那份濃化不開的惆悵。


Sunday, June 16, 2019

2019 · 6 · 16

Chow Hang-tung · 鄒幸彤


50 years unchanged? One country. Two systems? Only halfway through 50 years, the "National Security Law" was implemented in Hong Kong. Rules of Law, Human Rights and Freedom of the Press have all been stifled. Anyone who believes the CCP's lies is a mentally retarded idiot.

50年不變? 一國兩制? 50年才過了一半, 《國家安全法》就在香港實施了, 法治, 人權和新聞自由完全都被扼殺, 任何人相信中共謊話都是弱智白癡。

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Bucket List

Dragon Back, Hong Kong

Dragon Back, Hong Kong

Lantau Peak, Hong Kong

Lantau Peak, Hong Kong


Sunday, March 31, 2019

香港/LuLu Island I

We’ve just got a new art unit. 
They say moving house is one of the great stressful things of life. Like divorce and death. 
All I know is that standing in this house makes me very, very calm. It has good juju. It's painted white like an elegant New York loft and it suits me. 
The place is full of possibilities, I think there will be a lot of work to be done here.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Everything was not there...

I returned to this island thinking to retrace my steps by following its streets. 
I might just as well have sought the edge of the horizon, the threshold where time begins and ends. 
I ended up on the pier, night was flowing on the sea. 
It was, to be sure, that leaden water I was looking at without understanding anything about the darkness coming down on me. 
Everything was there.  
Everything was not there. 
Only now do I realize it and write, not knowing why, these words that will give me nothing back.
Do you know how it feels when you become a stranger on the land that you were born and lived til you were twenty?