
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go. — T. S. Eliot

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Fraser River Tour I

We are in our 10th months of restrictions due to Covid-19 pandemic. There have been 765 deaths in B.C. and 14,331 deaths in Canada. 

Here, in our little place in LuLu Island, beauty and horror co-exist. I cannot complain of much hardship where we are. We live in a beautiful townhome surrounded by parks, farmland and oh yeah... Fraser River. But I am thinking about the deaths, the healthcare workers, and worrying about my mother, my daughters... Like many people, I've been struggling with sleep!

Walking it out may be the answer. I did 5 km this morning. I'd like to call it the Fraser River Tour — I started at home, and walked to River Road, skirted nettlebed and back home through #3 Road. The rose bushes are fading now, but there is cow parsley everywhere. And snow geese are returning, flying gently in the sunshine. Yes, walk it out, I say.

But this morning, oh my goodness, there wasn't anything else to say. How can we possibly begin to appreciate all this beauty?

Fraser River is the longest river within British Columbia, Canada, rising at Fraser Pass near Blackrock Mountain in the Rocky Mountain and flowing for 1,375 kilometres (854 mi), into the Strait of Georgia at the city of Vancouver.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


不穿名牌設計, 不收集鑽戒金飾, 不駕駛名廠新車, 不研究股票行情, 不做社團主席, 不聯群結黨, 不拉攏吹捧, 餘下來可以與人交往的活動已經不多, 幸好從小養成獨來獨往的性格, 一個人看電影, 聽音樂會, 在家讀書一樣可以自得其樂, 在人叢裡笑聲語聲中, 一樣可以感到孤寂與落寞, 我利用孤獨時間來思考。
後來有伴, 可以攜手同遊歐洲, 可以暢談黑澤明電影, 可以共赴卜狄倫演唱會, 但仍然是兩個思想獨立的人, 現在家庭事業兼顧, 依然留點時間空間給自己, 不能忍受自己的智慧如一池死水般, 停留在某一個階段中不動, 我是個不安份的人, 在有生之年多學一點, 多知一點, 有人安於現狀, 朝九晚五, 閒來研究那家餐館好吃, 那間市場平價, 亦有人勤於積累財富, 疲於奔命, 錢以外事物一摡不理, 這也沒有什麼不對, 只不過有人喜歡井底小天地, 有人喜歡長空萬里, 直下看山河。

都是中年人了, 時間愈見寶貴, 十八歲時自以為是天才, 廿八歲才醒覺是庸才, 唯有加倍努力以勤補拙, 萬卷詩書事業, 十份一也做不到, 心底著實焦急起來, 莊子說: 以有涯生命求無涯的知識, 殆之矣。

所以有人閒來逛公司喝下午茶串門子說是非, 心裡立刻嫌棄, 此人怎地不事生產, 有時間可以做義工, 又或留在家裡讀書寫字, 總好過花蝴蝶般穿插社交場所, 此等場所流言最多, 老之將至, 那裡還有時間精力跟人喋喋不休紏纏下去。

漫長的人生道路, 必然有得有失, 絶不怕挫折和失意, 唯有經過苦難才知道生命的真義, 在垂暮之年, 回首前塵, 我不曾白活, 都學過了, 做過了, 愛過了, 哭過了, 我將帶著微笑而離去...
