
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go. — T. S. Eliot

Sunday, February 21, 2021

50 years in Canada

1971221日我站在香港啟德機場平台上, 在寒冷早晨的光裡, 腳下放著行李箱, 我看著不遠之處的泛美航機747, 世界上最大型噴射機, 很快就會帶我去紐約然後去多倫多。我充滿了恐懼和不安, 最正確不過的恐慌, 例如, 在小島上生活和在有無限機會的新世界中作出選擇, 而不是困在一個男權至上社會中的暗淡前景, 因為我的人生選擇是如此有限。回頭看來, 這個行動像閃耀的北極光, 是我人生的轉捩點, 讓我可以受教育, 讓我在這個收容我的國家加拿大站起來。去過無數的地方, 經過無數的變動, 現在我在這裡, 溫哥華。

It was the 21st of February, 1971. I was standing on a platform in Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong. In the brightness of a cold morning, a suitcase at my feet, I was watching the Pan Am 747, the largest jumbo jet in the world, which would soon take me to New York then to Toronto. I was full of fear and uncertainty. It was all scarily accurate. It was, for instance, opting for the remote island life and a chance at the new world’s infinite opportunities instead of a gloomy future in a male dominated society because my choices in life were so limited. Looking back, this move shine through time like the northern light. It was a turning point, allowing me to have education and stand upright in my adopted country Canada. After many places, many moves, here I am, in Vancouver now.