
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go. — T. S. Eliot

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Auguries of Innocence

Auguries of Innocence —William Blake 1757-1827

To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour….

I behave as if I am because I sometimes forget that the Universe is there, right next to me, within me, outside of me, all around, doing its thing, making sure everything comes true, and right, the way it's meant to. 

Believe in the universe, I tell everyone, and its power to open doors for you; it will conspire to help you, but then I see my head down, focused on my painting, my feet, the floor. And then, yesterday, I went out for a walk and turned to a field that I was never there before, and the wild poppies, buttercups were spreading out as far as I could see, the bees were all there, and it was a moment of magic. There are signs everywhere.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Friday, March 17, 2023

As Time Goes By

那是個喝下午茶的好地方, 有種殖民地式的歐陸風格, 週日𥚃客人坐得疏疏落落, 各自專注在同伴的對話中, 對你彈得一手好琴也毫不在意, 我獨自坐在一個角落處, 你偶爾轉身投來關注的眼光, 我不是孤寂, 只是意圖捕捉每個手中溜出來的音符, 它們𨚫有如流水點滴四散在空間裏, 琴聲有安撫作用, 令人渾忘𨚫外間亂烘烘的世界, 一切政治紛爭, 交通擠迫, 私人恩怨都變得遙遠不可及, 有什麼好爭呢, 百年後又有啥分別? 

這美好的琴音就是永恆, 明天就天南地北人成各, 眼前有香醇的川寕茶, 天花板垂下來的吊扇有節奏地旋轉, 大堂上幾盆枝枝葉葉有情的棕櫚樹, 我身上是米白色麻布套裙, 你彈着是那個 As Time Goes By, 你的名字是 Sam 嗎?

You must remember this

A kiss just a kiss

A sigh just a sigh… 

Casablanca 電影男女主角都早己辭世, 留下來的故事仍然令人心醉, 這般深情一樣已成過去, 我一離去你帶笑的面容立刻成了記憶, 待我回到我那老遠的家, 漸行漸遠漸無書, 若干年後你還會記得起我嗎? 

過去己成過去, 該記得什麼?記得那一夜跳舞至天明仍然依依不捨, 記得在梵高的星空下躑躅在巴黎左岸, 還是記得在紐約唐人街異地相逢? 

都忘了, 忘了見面時惺惺相惜, 忘了分手時依依不捨, 也忘了信誓旦旦的𠄘諾… 統統都忘了。

敏感多情都不是好事, 會教人吃苦的, 聽着琴聲都會感觸良多。

三月了, 水仙花開了又落三月𥚃又有什麼日子? , 不要告訴我, 隨著時光流逝, 都忘了