
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go. — T. S. Eliot

Monday, January 30, 2012

有多遠/How far? I

早兒的母親非常依賴她, 作為家中長女和下有四個弟弟, 她要接手母親一些家務, 祖母也很辛苦, 不像其他的年老婦女, 每天坐在家門前盯著路人來打發日子, 早兒的父親每月從香港回來一次, 當他在家時, 通常睡上一整天, 補償因在外工作時間長而睡眠不足, 留下家事由三代的婦女的來打理。

她母親和祖母在學校附近開了一個小店, 她們清早離家開店, 等錯過家裏早餐的學生可以購買食物和飲料, 當她的祖母和母親離開後, 家中一切由早兒負責, 她送大弟們上學, 照顧小弟, 她每天的工作包括打掃, 洗衣服和幫助弟弟們做功課。
她在小學六年級輟學, 她母親說, “女孩子不需要教育, 只要好運氣, 如果嫁得好, 保證終身享福”, 早兒想問她的母親, 如果被丈夫遺棄了又什麼辦? 但她不敢。

Joey’s mother depend on her very much. Being the only girl in the family and the oldest with four younger brothers, she took over some of her mother’s housework. Grandmother worked very hard too, unlike some older women who just sat by the door and stared at the passers-by daily. Joey’s father only came home from the city once a month. When he was home he usually slept all day to make up for the long working hours. So the three generations of women were left to take care of everything.

Her grandmother and mother ran a convenience store near a elementary school. They left early in the morning to the store so the school children could buy food and drinks when they missed their breakfast. When her grandmother and mother were gone for the day, Joey was left in charge. She sent the older boys to school and kept the youngest one within her sight. Her daily workload included cleaning, doing the laundry and helping her brothers with their school work.

She dropped out of school in grade six. Her mother said, " Girls don’t need education. All they need is a good fortune. You marry well, then you are guaranteed a lifelong good living." Joey wanted to ask her mother what would happen if the husband deserted you. But she dared not.

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